Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Monologue 2nd probably final draft

Memories Fears and Life
            Noreen is 21 and has long brown hair. A soft voice and blue eyes. She has no freckles on her face just a smirk. She had a black and blue North Face sweater on. Along, with jeans and a pair of low top socks. Noreen was in her room, sitting up in a curled up position, drinking a cup of tea.

A haunting memory
High school
Sophomore year English
Sister Joan
Many haunting memories there
Being asked “Did you as Today?”
Someone mentioned the verb was “as”
Sister Jones
Flipped out
On all of us

 I use to fear dogs
That was a scary one
are neighbor had a dog
named Cathie
all she wanted to do was play
all I wanted to do was run
screaming and yelling
as she came over

When I was younger
I was scared of Santa and the Easter Bunny
the fact that they were coming into the house
when I was sleeping
scared me
The night before they came
I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep
some stranger was coming into the house
that would creep me out
I would be excited about the gifts though
But that definitely creeped me out
before I went to bed

Best experiences…….
Getting to wonder through the city
 During college
running around on the subways
One place to another
just have fun where ever you go

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