Friday, May 17, 2013

Independent Writing Project On Coming Of Age

 #6.          What is rebellion? Why do so many young people "rebel"? Is rebellion a necessary element of growing up?

               A rebellion is an organized resistance to authority, such as a government. A rebellion can also take place between a parent who is the authority and their kids, who would resist the parent’s authority over them. young people rebel because they are trying to be seen as more than a child. They are trying to gain more freedoms, so they can do what they want when they want. they are also looking for more responsibilities. Young people do this to gain more trust. Overall, a rebellion is an organized rebellion against an authority and so many young people do it to gain more freedom's, right's, and responsibilities.  
             I believe this is a necessary rebellion because in the end the kid will be more responsible and mature. They will be more responsible and mature because in the end they will have more responsibilities that they need to take care of. Rebellions are also a necessary to gain more freedom and trust in life. This is a good thing because it will help make you more respected as a person.

             People have rebelled throughout history for many different causes. For instance, the American Revolution where people rebelled against England to gain freedom from Britain. In the end of that revolution America became completely free of Britain and its power. So in the end the rebellion was a success. There has been many other rebellions throughout history that have made people and nations greater and more prosperous. Overall, rebellions are a necessary part of growing up as a person or as a nation.

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