Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 21 Blog Post.

John, candidate 117, the commanding officer of the Spartan super soldiers, is faced with a new mission. One, which holds the fate of humanities future in its success or loose. If John and his man fail this mission the human race will be put into extinction by a new alien race seeking to destroy. That race is the covenant. But first John and his men must finish their training with one last mission, which no one Know what is going to happen in.
I feel that this mission is going to actually be a real mission not being controlled by the UNCS. I also predict that men will be lost. I believe this because Chief Mendez said “Project MJOLNIR will make the Spartans into something. . . new. Something I could never forge them into,” (Nylund122). This made me think that this mission was going to be real because he could never kill one of the Spartans to bring them together. That would forge something of them it would forge a team. If this was the case the death of the comrade not only would forge a team, but a strong brotherhood between the men.
I believe this would be the last mission in training because it would prepare the Spartans for the brutality of war. It would also prepare the Spartans for the hard part about war, Death.  Especially If a Spartan died on the mission because then it would be prepared for the death of one of their own. Another thing the Mission would prepare the Spartans for is being behind enemy lines like in real war without help. So the mission overall I feel is going to prepare all the Spartans for War.
If the mission is what I think it is then the mission will be especially useful for the Spartans leader, John. I think this because it will show him that men will be lost and there is nothing he can do about it except go on with the mission and not let them die in vain. Now John already knows how it feels to lose his men because after the experiment that enhanced his and the Spartans bodies he lost men. The experiment went wrong and men die. I think losing men in front of him on the battle field will be different and will really prepare him for war by teaching him to move on.
In all I feel that the final mission of training will prepare the Spartans for the brutality of war. I also believe that the mission will get the men ready for Death. It also will make John commanding officer of the Spartans a better leader by showing him that men will die and the mission still has to go on. Most of all though I believe this mission will bring the Spartans closer together as a team and as brothers.       

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

N.F. Post

          In the Article  Bioethics and cloning the author which wasn't given talks about how there is a big argument on whether or not Cloning is acceptable. groups have been made to disuse the topic and come up with questions for scientists.Those groups are called Bioethics. Questions are being raised about changing a babies  eye, hair, skin color, height and sex. today there are some countries that do not allow cloning to take place and others that do allow it. scientist still need to follow routine and make sure what the are doing is OK and wont hurt anything.
           I thought this article was very good and gave a nice topic overview of cloning. I also thought that it was surprising that all countries don't get together and decide all together whether the world should or should not clone. personally i would say that in some cases cloning is good and others bad. for instance i think cloning would be except able if cloning was used to fix problems the baby may have. but i think it is wrong to use cloning to hurt or effect the baby in life.

Article Cite
ProQuest Staff. "Topic Overview: Bioethics and Cloning.ProQuest LLC. 2013: n.pag. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 06 Mar 2013.